Tag: Vegan

Vegan Recipes

Breakfast Breakfast and a Movie Dinner Dinner and a Movie Gluten-Free Lactose-Free Low FODMAP Lunch Lunch and a Movie Movies Snacks Snacks and a Movie Vegan Vegetarian

Little Loaves

I spent a lot of time perfecting my bread recipe. It reminded me of all those books, TV shows and movies I consumed as a girl that were full of women from days past baking, eating and living their lives. One is “Little Women,” hence my reasoning for this pairing.

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Dairy-Free Dinner Dinner and a Show Gluten-Free Lactose-Free Lunch Lunch and a Show TV Vegan Vegetarian


There are a lot of great “Friends” food moments to choose from, but one of the most memorable is the inedible trifle Rachel makes for Thanksgiving one year when she accidentally combines two very different recipes. These single-serve savory trifles are much more edible than the dish Rachel serves her friends.

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