Gluten-Free Lunch Lunch and a Movie Movies Vegetarian

The I’ll Have What She’s Having

“When Harry Met Sally” is undoubtedly one of my favorite movies of all time, and when I thought about what to pair it with, the infamous “I’ll have what she’s having” diner scene immediately popped into my mind.

To be honest, even though I’ve seen the movie dozens of times, I couldn’t remember what they actually ordered. Just the tidbit that Sally was always very particular about the way she ordered food, something that drove Harry nuts but he also loved that about her.

I searched online and wasn’t greatly impressed by the salad or turkey sandwich they ordered, so I decided to make what I’ve been referring to as the ultimate vegetarian sandwich. Something that will make other vegetarians stop and say, “I’ll have what she’s having.”

By sheer coincidence, I wound up making these sandwiches for my fiancé and me on Valentine’s Day. This recipe (which is also gluten-free) makes two sandwiches, perfect for a rom-com pairing.

You can easily make this vegan by getting an egg-free mayo for the aioli and using a vegan gouda.

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons shallot-infused olive oil
2 teaspoons dill
2 teaspoons parsley
1 brick extra firm or high protein tofu, sliced into 2 big squares or rectangles
2 tablespoons mayo
2 teaspoons red pepper flakes
2 teaspoons chili lime seasoning
4 wide-style slices of gluten-free bread, toasted
4 strips tempeh bacon (or another vegetarian bacon)
4 slices gouda
2-4 tomato slices (varies based on the size of your tomato)
0.5 cups arugula

At least 4 hours before making your sandwiches, make the tofu marinade.

First, slice the tofu into two flat patties.

Mix together the balsamic vinegar, olive oil, dill and parsley. Put the marinade into a zip-top bag or airtight container with the tofu. Make sure the marinade coats all sides of the tofu.

Put the bag or container in the fridge for at least four hours. You can also start the marinating the night before you make the sandwiches.

When you’re ready to make the sandwiches, toast your bread.

While toasting the bread, make the aioli. Mix together the mayo, red pepper flakes and chili lime seasoning. Spread it on all four slices of toasted bread and set aside.

In a nonstick or greased frying pan over medium high heat, carefully heat up the tofu. Pour any remaining marinade in the container over the top of the tofu. Flip the tofu and cook until it is fairly dry, light brown and a little crisp on all sides.

Place the cooked tofu on two slices of the bread and add the slices of gouda over the top.

Use the same frying pan (re-greased if necessary) to fry up the strips of bacon. We had some leftover marinade on the bottom of the pan that was perfect for cooking the bacon.

When the bacon strips are crispy, place them on top of the cheese.

Then add your sliced tomato, arugula and the top slices of the bread. Enjoy with your favorite chips, fries or side salad!

The Easy Route
Instead of marinating tofu, you can buy pre-seasoned tofu or skip it altogether and just get some plant-based deli slices for your sandwich. You can also buy a pre-made aioli in place of making your own.

Some vegetarian or vegan diners will hook you up with an amazing sandwich if you feel like getting something delivered or picking up takeout to eat while watching the movie.

The Pairing
“When Harry Met Sally” is one of the best romantic comedies of all time, and it still holds up more than 30 years after its release.

Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan are perfect choices to bring the titular characters of Nora Ephron’s script to life.

I also love Carrie Fisher and Bruno Kirby as Sally and Harry’s close friends, Marie and Jess.

One of the most unique components of “When Harry Met Sally” is the documentary-style segments they use with real life love stories. Director Rob Reiner collected the stories and then had actors tell them for the film.

I quote from the whole movie a fair amount, but my favorite line is from one of the documentary-style segments: “I knew the way you know about a good melon.”

Every time I watch this movie, I realize how much it’s influenced me, from Sally’s journalism career to her penguin collection (my bathroom is penguin-themed and I have several other penguin items like a cocktail shaker). Also, the climax of the screenplay I wrote for my college capstone takes place at a New Year’s Eve gathering, as does the climax of “When Harry Met Sally.”

One of my favorite scenes is when Harry and Sally watch “Casablanca” together over the phone, which probably encouraged me to get into classic movies.

And I think maybe it even gave me some direction on what to look for in a partner, a strong foundation of friendship and honesty.

I was proposed to by my now-fiancé just hours before making this sandwich, and I am certain I found the Harry to my Sally.

If you decide to make The I’ll Have What She’s Having and/or watch “When Harry Met Sally,” let us know! Tag us in your Instagram posts & stories, tweets or TikTok videos: @veg_out_recipes

Expect to see more romcoms on Veg Out. In addition to them being one of our favorite genres, we like to think of them as the cinematic equivalent of comfort food. What are your favorite romantic comedies? Tell us in the comments.